Our Policies
We welcome our canoeists and campers. We want everyone who comes to the beautiful Current and Jacks Fork Rivers and to the Ozarks to have an enjoyable experience. These are our policies and we will implement them fully.
- CANCELLATIONS: As soon as you know any cancellation in your party, please let us know. If a cancellation occurs after 10:00 am Wednesday preceeding the Saturday of your trip, the payment will not be refunded.
- PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS: Full trip payment for canoes, rafts and kayaks is required on Saturdays between Memorial Day and Labor Day. No advance payment is required for trips during the week, Sundays and Saturdays before Memorial Day and after Labor Day. Ask about our group specials for Sundays, weekdays and off-season. We also have special rates for Scout troops that take trips during the week and off-season.
- RAINY DAY REFUND POLICY: In the event rain occurs on the morning of your float trip and is still raining at noon, on request your payment will be refunded. If the rain stops before noon your payment will not be refunded. If the river is determined too hazardous for canoe, kayak, raft or tube use by the NPS your payment will be refunded upon request.
- No fireworks or guns allowed.
- We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. We are not responsible for accidents. All drug and alcohol laws are strictly enforced.
- NO GLASS CONTAINERS ON THE RIVER. Please do not litter.
- BUS BEHAVIOR: Please NO SMOKING on the buses. Many families enjoy floating the river with their children, so please refrain from using abusive and foul language on the buses. Also fighting and obnoxious behavior will not be tolerated. Our bus drivers have been instructed to remove anyone demonstrating inappropriate behavior, to call the NPS Rangers (573-323-4236) or the Shannon County Sheriff’s Dept. (573-226-3615) or the Missouri Highway Patrol (417-469-3121). NO MONIES WILL BE REFUNDED.
- NO POSSESSION OF ILLEGAL DRUGS & FIREARMS: We have zero tolerance for illegal drugs and firearms, this also includes potato guns and fireworks. NO MONIES WILL BE REFUNDED. Those people suspected of having these items will be reported to local law enforcement. We have strived for many years to make this a drug free river. The National Park Service Law Enforcement and the Missouri Water Patrol heavily patrol the Current River for illegal drugs and underage drinking. Please do remember that law enforcement is also your friend especially in cases of emergencies and accidents. Anyone who is busted or removed from the river by law enforcement will be charged an additional $50 for canoe retrieval if the canoe is left between access points.
- FLOATING THE CURRENT RIVER: The Current River is a National Park. PLEASE DO NOT LITTER. Litter bags are provided for your vessel. Also GLASS CONTAINERS ARE NOT ALLOWED on the river. NO MONIES WILL BE REFUNDED IF YOU ARE REMOVED FROM THE RIVER BY LAW ENFORCEMENT. There will also be an extra charge of $50 for retrievals of canoes and equipment if they are left between established access points.
- It is the responsibility of the group leader to see that your campsites is left litter free for the next group. Please do not throw nonflammables in the fire such as cans and glass. Litter is not to be thrown in the woods around your campsite either. Please leave the campsite cleaner than you found it. Dumpsters are provided for your trash at the access point please use them. No styrofoam on the river.
- Please remember that while you are on the river to behave in a manner that everyone on the river can have a good time including families with children. Abusive and foul language, drunkenness, illegal drug use and nudity is not acceptable behavior. Do have a good time, but respect the right of others to have a good time.
- Our Environmental Management Plan is to establish the best management practices to achieve the least damage to the environment and human health. We will recycle and reuse, do employee training and solid waste management.
- Management adheres to no trace policy. Our Green Policy is to conserve energy, use more efficient vehicles and lights. No aersol products and switch to reusable and recycled products.
All prices and policies are subject to change without notification.
Do not bring firewood! Help keep Emerald Ash Beetles out of Missouri.
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Akers Ferry® Canoe Rental
36869 State Route K • Salem, MO 65560 • 573-858-3224

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